Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dylan's First Pictures

Chillin' Like Dylan

Get your thumb out of your mouth!

He listen's pretty well for a fetus!

Awe, look at that little thing

Ahhh! there's an alien in my belly!

Wave goodbye

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Baby Pool Results

72% - Male

22% - Saturday

61% - A.M.

50% - 7 pounds 1 ounce - 8 pounds 8 ounces

83% - More than 19 inches

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cletus The Fetus Quiz

In the comments section please post the question number, the number to your corresponding answer and a point value between 1 and 3 according to your confidence.

To answer question 1 as female for 3 points you would enter: 1 2 3
To answer question 1 as male for 2 points you would enter: 1 1 2

For every answer you get right you will be awarded how ever many points you assigned to your answer and for every incorrect answer you will lose the amount of points you assigned. In the event of a tie, whomever is closest to the actual day of birth wins.
  • $5 entry fee
  • Money and answers must be submitted by 2/27
  • Winner take all

Question 1: What will Cletus' Gender Be?

  1. Male
  2. Female
Question 2: What day of the week will Cletus be born?
  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday
Question 3: What time of day will Cletus be born?
  1. A.M.
  2. P.M.
Question 4: How much will Cletus weigh?
  1. 7 pounds or less
  2. 7 pounds 1 ounce - 8 pounds 8 ounces
  3. More than 8 pounds 8 ounces

Question 5: What will Cletus' height be?

  1. Less than 18 inches
  2. 18 -19 inches
  3. More than 19 inches

Tie Breaker: What will the exact day of birth be? (Due Date: 7/23)

Please enter your name first in your comments.
Use the anonymous profile if you do not have or want a gmail account.